
’‡”ö@‘PŸ (NAKAO, Zensho) @

yÅIŠw—ðz Mathematics Department, Graduate College, The University of Oklahoma, U.S.A.C—¹@1977”N‚VŒŽ
yŠw@@ˆÊz Ph.D. (Mathematics) , The University of Oklahoma@1977”N
yŠwˆÊ˜_•¶z Some basic properties of left algebraic groupsC bi-algebraic groups and algebraic groups
y’S“–‰È–Úz ”—î•ñŠw“Á˜_
yê–啪–ìz ”—î•ñŠw (Mathematical Informatics)
yŽå‚ÈŒ¤‹†‰Û‘èz Parallel^distributed systemsCSoft computing
yŽå‚ÈŠ‘®Šw‰ïz American Mathematical Society, Association for Computing Machinery, IEEE-Computer Society
y“d˜b”Ô†z (098) 895-8698
y‚d-mailz nakao@augusta.eee.u-ryukyu.ac.jp


  • Evolutionary reconstruction of plane binary images from projections, J.Jpn. Soc. Fuzzy Theo. and Sys., Vol.8, No.4 pp.687-694, 1996.
  • A parallel genetic algorithm based on the island model for image processing, Neural Networks for Signal Processing VI (ed. S.Katagiri et al.) ,IEEE Press, pp. 109-118, 1996.@
  • Reconstruction of gray images by neural networks, Methodologies for the Concep- tion, Design, and Application of Intelligent Systems (ed. T.Yamakawa, & G.Matsumoto), World Scientific Vol.2, pp.537-540, 1996.
  • A parallel quicksort in Ada and its performance profile, IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst., pp.589-596, Vol. E77-D, No.5, 1994.
  • A design and implmentation of an Ada IPC interface, IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst., pp.574-578, Vol. E77-D, No.5, 1994.

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